International Webinar on Emergent Cellular Ecosystems in Melanoma

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation:


Description for Webinar:

The Raj lab studies the biology of single cells. The primary motivation for studying biological processes on a cell-by-cell basis is the fact that even genetically identical cells can behave very differently. This variability can have consequences in a variety of biological contexts. We aim to understand these differences at the molecular level. They develop and utilize a mix of experimental tools including individual RNA molecules via fluorescence microscopy, high throughput sequencing and molecular biology to make quantitative measurements of cellular behavior. They aim to foster a richly interdisciplinary research environment in which biologists, chemists, engineers, clinicians, physicists, computer scientists, and mathematicians can work together to solve exciting problems.

International Webinar on Emergent Cellular Ecosystems in Melanoma Revealed by Single Cell Analysis

Duration of Webinar:

19th July 2021 at 8 P.M.

Important dates:

  • Register before the date of webinar (i.e., 19th July, 2021)

Perks offered:

  • N/A

How to apply:

  • Find the registration link of the webinar on the Official website: Click here

To visit more webinars: Click here

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