Book Review: ‘The Misogi Method – Stepping out of your comfort zone’

Misogi – it is a completely new term for many people (even me). So when I picked up this book, I had no idea what to expect. I did what all of us do when we have no clue, I googled. So here I present to you a detailed book review of The Misogi Method by Jodi B. Miller.

What is Misogi?

Wikipedia defines this as:

Misogi (禊) is a Japanese Shinto practice of ritual purification by washing the entire body. Misogi is related to another Shinto purification ritual called Harae – thus both being collectively referred to as misogiharae.


Book Details

  • Book – The Misogi Method
  • Author – Jodi B. Miller
  • Pages – 352 pages
  • Publisher – Alskar Publishing
  • My Ratings – 3.5/5 stars
  • Click here to purchase the book.
It is the book cover of the book The Misogi Method, the book review topic in this post.
Source – Amazon

Book Summary

Jody B. miller also explains Misogi in her book, but she goes on one step further to explain how we can use this age-old tradition of cleansing ourselves into transforming ourselves today. This is where the real charm for the readers enters. She further goes on to explain her personal experience with Misogi and other stories and snippets. It helps to connect the readers to this method and somehow brings the method into contemporary practice by removing the age-old gap in between.

The book urges you to focus on the Misogi Method in life i.e. to step out of your comfort zone and live your life. It is actually a very simple mantra to succeed and achieve the once seemingly unachievable goal but the implication is the real challenge. The author has tried to break it down for us into five parts and further analyzed those parts into smaller steps. It is a really easy read with easily comprehendible steps which might change your living ways.

Quick Clips of the Parts

In this book review, I will focus on the core concepts of each part so that you might have an idea about what you are going to find within the book.

In part 1, the author has discussed the meaning of misogi and how the misogi method is not just a physical endeavor but a mental process as well of achieving and succeeding. She has contrasted between the traditional misogi method followed in japan and the modern method that she practices and recommends everyone to practice. It is an interesting take on this method. I loved the way she twisted the age-old tradition according to contemporary situations. Dousing in cold water might bring peace even today, but the real progress comes when we begin to step out of our comfort zones and succeed.

In part 2, the focus is upon the benefits of the methods. The beginning changes which will have a long-term impact on our lives are discussed in this part. The author also provides us with many real-life examples about people who followed this method and succeeded even without being aware that they are following this method.

In part 3, the author now moves inside. The focus now shifts from the slower transformation of the body towards the shifts in emotions. This part focuses on the emotion and feelings and how they impact our decision and then the future. This process will help you to find your own personal misogi and assimilate the idea properly.

In part 4, after the body is ready and the mind convinced, the author brings out the process of formulation of plans. Before this, everything was just preparing you properly for the work. This part is going to prepare you for the ups and downs that are going to accompany you in your journey. After this part is over, you know exactly what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.

In part 5, the misogi method comes to a conclusion with some stories and motivation to continue this process because only after continuing this process can you achieve success. It is not a one-time secret recipe that you gulp down and become powerful, it is the recipe of the base that you are going to follow and modify and enhance as you continue working on it.

Writing Style

The writing style of the author is very simple and easily comprehendible. The stories and snippets from her own lives reflect the honesty of the author which gives the readers a sense of attachment. However, the multiple references to the previous work of the author might feel confusing and incomplete to the first-time readers. The tone of the book is conversational.

Book Review

I liked the simple way in which the author has tried to portray her views to us. Linking the motivation to an age-old tradition was a clever way of the author. However, what I found a bit irritating was the repetition of the same message throughout the book. The main theme of the book was to inspire and motivate people to take up impossible challenges and step out of their comfort zone. Even if they fail to achieve their ultimate challenge, they are sure to come very far from where they were.

The steps are well-divided for ease of performance, and the worksheets at the end of every chapter really helped me in better understanding my own misogi. If you are reading this book, make sure you work upon those worksheets. The questions might seem easy to answer and useless at first glance, but as you move further and begin answering them, you will gain a better understanding of yourself.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Overall, I liked this book but not loved it. I will recommend this book to someone who is struggling with goals and objectives in their life, or someone who is confused regarding the long-term plans and the path towards their goals. It will help you push your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. In nutshell, it will help you find your Misogi.

I hope you liked this book review. If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to drop them in the comments section. Also, keep an eye on our Instagram page for further book recommendations and quotes.

Happy Reading!

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