Webinar: DNA fingerprinting technology- Its success and future

Name of the Institute organising Webinar:

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB)

Description for Webinar:

DNA fingerprinting has changed how India has solved crime. Join the webinar this Thursday, Sept 2, 3.30 pm to hear: Dr. Thangaraj on the invention, Dr. Goswami on his personal account of courtroom scenes when the tech was new, and Dr. Santhy on what the future holds for this tech.



Eligibility Criteria:

  • N/A

Important dates:

  • 2nd September, Thursday, 3.30pm

Perks offered:

  • N/A

How to apply:

  • Live on CSIR’s social media channels: Click here

To visit more internships: Click here

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