Webinar: ‘Data Science and Astrology: Is There a Difference?’

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation:

ACM India Webinar Series on Education

Description for Webinar:

Data Science has become the buzzword of choice in recent times, especially in the software industry. The accompanying hoopla has spawned frenetic claims foretelling the development of great and wondrous solutions to all kinds of contemporary local and global challenges. In this talk, we will attempt to provide a more nuanced and balanced view of the area.
Speaker- Jayant Haritsa; Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian institute of Science

Duration of Webinar:

Date: Saturday, July 17, 2021; Time: 11:00 AM India Standard Time; Duration: 1 hour

Important dates:

  • Date: July 17, 2021;
  • Time: 11:00 AM India Standard Time

Perks offered:

  • N/A

How to apply:

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