Webinar: CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization for a greener tomorrow

Name of the Institute organising Webinar: Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS PILANI Description for Webinar: Chemical…

Sirisha Bandla – Another Indian Signature to the Space History

“You were born with wings. Don’t Crawl. Learn to use them to fly and fly”. These…

Book Review: ‘The Misogi Method – Stepping out of your comfort zone’

Misogi – it is a completely new term for many people (even me). So when I…

Workshop: Fundamentals of NGS analysis and Drug Discovery

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation: The Bio-IT Centre at IBAB Description for Workshop: The participants will…

Webinar: Understanding Amphibian’s behaviour and communication processes

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation: Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun Description for Webinar: Speaker- Dr. Robin…

Artificial Intelligence: How happy should we be?

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation: DST CIMS BHU ACM STUDENT CHAPTER, BHU , Varanasi Description for…

AACC India Section Webinar: Decoding Lab Diagnostics in COVID Pandemic

Name of the organising Institute/Organisation: American Association for Clinical Chemistry Description for Webinar: The constant quest…

Detecting cancer cells using nanoparticles

Cancer is a condition in which some cells in the body grow out of control and…

Book Review of Frankenstein – ‘Who’s the real monster’?

Every time while picking up a classic, there is a sliver of dread within every reader…

Internship Opportunity at Cipla Health Limited

Name of the Institute/Organisation: Cipla Health Limited Description for Internship: Cipla Health is inviting applications for…