Bioluminescence: A dazzling adaptation of nature

Let us imagine for a moment that we are in a place where there is no…

Webinar: CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization for a greener tomorrow

Name of the Institute organising Webinar: Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS PILANI Description for Webinar: Chemical…

Sirisha Bandla – Another Indian Signature to the Space History

“You were born with wings. Don’t Crawl. Learn to use them to fly and fly”. These…

Book Review: ‘The Misogi Method – Stepping out of your comfort zone’

Misogi – it is a completely new term for many people (even me). So when I…

Internship Opportunity at Cipla Health Limited

Name of the Institute/Organisation: Cipla Health Limited Description for Internship: Cipla Health is inviting applications for…

Synesthesia: Tasting words and hearing colours!

What is it like to be tasting words and hearing colours? Imagine being able to taste…

AI Powered Wearable Devices – Rising Star in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry is one of the most happening industry in the world which is growing day…

Why do Zebras don’t get ulcer!!

Imagine sitting in your examination centre and writing for admission in your most preferred institute. While…

Vulture Conservation: The return of ‘Jatayu’

They know the wind story, they control the paths in the air. These hungry pilgrims arrive…