Book Review of The Echo Wife – The Science of Cloning

Book Review – The Echo Wife Author – Sarah Gailey Pages – 369 pages Genre –…

Book Review of “Die With Zero” – Why, How, and Do We Need To?

This is the book review of the book Die With Zero by Bill Perkins. The title…

Book Review: ‘Kazuo Ishiguro’s- Klara and the Sun’

Klara and the Sun is a science fiction book that enticed me by its amazing book…

Book Review: ‘Project Hail Mary: A probe on its way to rescue!’

Yes, you read it right. Project Hail Mary is on its way to rescue you from…

Book Review of ‘Dune- A drug for Sci-fi lovers’

The legacy of Dune is not something that can be concealed from any sci-fi lover. It…

Luray- ‘An interstellar adventure’

What are the chances that there are life possibilities in other galaxies of the universe we…

The Martian – A trip to Mars

A trip to mars? This sounds like something Elon Musk must be thinking about, but there…