Bioluminescence: A dazzling adaptation of nature

Let us imagine for a moment that we are in a place where there is no…

Webinar: CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization for a greener tomorrow

Name of the Institute organising Webinar: Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS PILANI Description for Webinar: Chemical…

Sirisha Bandla – Another Indian Signature to the Space History

“You were born with wings. Don’t Crawl. Learn to use them to fly and fly”. These…

Book Review of Frankenstein – ‘Who’s the real monster’?

Every time while picking up a classic, there is a sliver of dread within every reader…

Celebrating The World Environment day with Indian heroes

Every year on 5th of June, the world celebrates one of the biggest annual events organised…

Dr. Kamala Sohonie: First female scholar of IIsc Bangalore

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc bangalore) is a public, deemed, research university aimed for higher education and research in fields of…